Source code for ptb.voltage_protocol

import logging
import asyncio

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class VoltageProtocol: """Protocol for the PTB multi-channel voltage source""" def do(self, cmd): logger.debug("do %s", cmd) self._writeline(cmd) async def ask(self, cmd): ret = await self._readline() logger.debug("ret %s", ret) return ret async def read(self, n): ret = await self._read(n) return ret.decode()
[docs] async def version(self): """Return the hardware/firmware version. Returns: str: Version string. """ return (await self.ask("get version")).strip()
def _writeline(self, cmd): raise NotImplemented async def _readline(self): raise NotImplemented async def ping(self): try: await self.version() except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except: logger.warning("ping failed", exc_info=True) return False return True async def _cmd(self, action, name, args=""): assert action in ("get", "set") cmd = "{} {}".format(action, name) ret = await self.ask(cmd + args) assert ret.startswith(cmd) return ret[len(cmd):].strip()
[docs] async def get_temperature(self): """Get temperature data for controller and amplifier boards. Returns: list(float): Raw ADC values for the NTCs """ ret = await self._cmd("get", "temp") return [int(_) for _ in ret.split()]
[docs] def ldac(self): """Pulse LDAC to all DACs to load values into active registers.""" return self._cmd("set", "ldac")
[docs] def factory(self): """Reset gains and offsets to default values""" return self._cmd("set", "factory")
async def _values(self, action, name, values, channels=None, conv=float): if channels is None: channels = list(range(1, len(values) + 1)) args = " ".join("{} {}".format(channel, value) for channel, value in zip(channels, values)) ret = await self._cmd(action, name, " {} {}".format(len(values), args)) v = ret.split() assert len(v) % 2 == 1 n = int(v.pop(0)) assert len(v) == 2*n channels_ret = [int(_) for _ in v[::2]] values_ret = [conv(_) for _ in v[1::2]] assert channels_ret == channels # assert values_ret == values return values_ret, channels_ret
[docs] def set_voltage(self, values, channels=None): """Set output voltages. Voltages become active only after :meth:`ldac`. Args: values (list(float)): Voltages, one for each target channel. channels (list(int)): Target channels. Defaults to 1...len(values) Returns: list(float): Actual values returned by the device. """ return self._values("set", "volt", values, channels, float)
[docs] def set_gain(self, values, channels=None): """Set channel gains. Channel gains are processed within the microcontroller and become active on :meth:`set_volt` and a subsequent :meth:`ldac`. Gains are given in `2**16/full_scale` where `full_scale = u_max - u_min`. Args: values (list(float)): Gains, one for each target channel. channels (list(int)): Target channels. Defaults to 1...len(values) Returns: list(float): Actual values returned by the device. """ return self._values("set", "gain", values, channels, float)
[docs] def set_offset(self, values, channels=None): """Set channel offsets. Channel gains are processed within the microcontroller and become active on :meth:`set_volt` and a subsequent :meth:`ldac`. Offsets are given in DAC LSBs (integers). Args: values (list(int)): Offsets, one for each target channel. channels (list(int)): Target channels. Defaults to 1...len(values) Returns: list(int): Actual values returned by the device. """ return self._values("set", "offset", values, channels, int)
[docs] def set_data(self, values, channels=None): """Set raw channel output values. Values are given in DAC LSBs (integers). Data becomes active only after :meth:`ldac`. Args: values (list(int)): DAC values, one for each target channel. channels (list(int)): Target channels. Defaults to 1...len(values) Returns: list(int): Actual values returned by the device. """ return self._values("set", "data", values, channels, int)
[docs] def get_data(self, channels=None): """Get raw channel output values. Values are given in DAC LSBs (integers). Args: channels (list(int)): Target channels. Defaults to 1...8 Returns: list(int)): DAC values, one for each target channel. """ if channels is None: channels = list(range(1, 8 + 1)) values = [0 for i in range(len(channels))] return self._values("get", "data", values, channels, int)