Source code for ptb.temp_protocol

import logging
import asyncio

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class TempProtocol: """Protocol for the PTB multi-channel temperature sensor""" def do(self, cmd): assert len(cmd) < 64 logger.debug("do %s", cmd) self._writeline(cmd) async def ask(self, cmd): ret = await self._readline() logger.debug("ret %s", ret) return ret async def read(self, n): ret = await self._read(n) return ret.decode()
[docs] async def version(self): """Return the hardware/firmware version. Returns: str: Version string. """ return (await self.ask("v")).strip()
[docs] async def get_all(self): """Measure and return the temperatures on all channels. Returns: list(float): Temperatures on all channels """ ret = await self.ask("a") t = [] for i, ti in enumerate(ret.split()): ch, ti = ti.split(":") assert int(ch) == i t.append(float(ti)) return t
[docs] async def get(self, channel): """Measure the temperature on one channel. Args: channel (int): Channel index to measure on Return: float: Temperature """ ret = await self.ask("{:d}".format(channel)) ch, temp = ret.split(":") assert int(ch) == channel return float(temp)
def _writeline(self, cmd): raise NotImplemented async def _readline(self): raise NotImplemented async def ping(self): try: await self.version() except asyncio.CancelledError: raise except: logger.warning("ping failed", exc_info=True) return False return True